*Formally known as the pkDO Foundation

PKD-Free Babies

IVF & PGT-M Funding Grant – Eligibility 

Up to $9,000

The IVF/PGT-M Grant is a grant of up to $9,000 to cover the cost of IVF & PGT-M that are not covered by insurance.  Approved applicants will receive funding in the following installments:

  • Up to $2,000 towards medication

  • Up to $3,000 towards initial retrieval process

  • Up to $3,000 towards genetic testing of embryos

  • Up to $1,000 towards initial implantation of procedure

  • Approved applicants will also be entitled to 20% discounts from Partner Fertility Clinics if they choose to work with those facilities.

Eligibility Criteria:

I (or my partner) am an adult, have been through genetic streaming, and have been identified as a carrier of the polycystic kidney disease gene.

I am a US citizen or legal permanent resident of the US.

I (or my partner) am employed full-time.

I (and my partner) am 23 years old or older.

I have health insurance coverage.

I do not have insurance coverage for IVF.

I have an annual, combined household income of less than $250,000 from all sources.

I will be working with a clinic that PKD-Free is partnered with to get a viability assessment.

Note: While obtaining the viability assessment from a Partner Fertility Clinic is a requirement for the IVF/PGT Grant approval and all approved participants will be entitled to a 20% discount for uninsured costs from the Partner Fertility Clinic, Grant recipients will not be obligated to utilize a Partner Fertility Clinic.

Our Partners


IVF/PGT-M Funding Grant Application

Please complete the online application and digitally sign. Following review of this application and the requested attachments, a pre-grant inquiry will be performed to determine if your application will receive further consideration for a grant, which shall include a limited investigation of the applicant’s identity, the applicant’s medical history and any other information deemed relevant. Note, a pre-grant inquiry is not an approval of your grant request.

After completion of the pre-grant inquiry, a decision will be made to either approve or reject the grant request. All decisions of PKD-Free are final and in its sole discretion.

All items must be completed. Items omitted or left blank will affect the evaluation of the entire proposal and will not be considered for funding.