PKD-Free Stories & Articles

  • The Spoonie Podcast with Emily Fraser and Richard Kellner

    The Spoonie Podcast focuses on helping those with chronic conditions to live well. Host Emily Fraser speaks with PKD-Free founder Rich Kellner about the 100 PKD-free Babies initiative and its goal to end PKD with the next generation of children.

  • The possibility of a PKD-free world.

    In a conversation with James Myers, host of Kidney Stories, PKD-Free founder Richard Kellner shares how his family has been impacted by PKD and how the foundation is working to bring about a PKD-free world.

  • Pregnancy with PKD: how to navigate healthcare costs for IVF and PGT-M.

    I’m Natasha Rogina, a teacher living in Colorado. I discovered I had PKD when I was a teenager. My mom also has it. When my husband and I decided to start a family, we knew we would proceed with IVF to ensure a PKD-free pregnancy.

  • Millie Machado explains paired exchange and how you can help those in need of a kidney.

    Friends, students and teachers help tell Millie's story about her search for a healthy kidney donor.

Donate Now to Support Families Fighting PKD

PKD-Free is honored to work with medical specialists, advocates and families who embrace our mission of enhancing generational health by ensuring a PKD-free future. Please consider donating to help us support families and achieve our goal.